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Syria , Daraa Assad's sniper on the top of the Government buildings Jun-8-2012
Syria , Daraa Assad's sniper on the top of the Government buildings Jun-8-2012
Syria Assad Snipers Aim at Civilians from Rooftops of Daraa 3 23 12
Syria, Hama Assad's snipers on top of the Baroudiyeh Tower targeting anything that moves. 27-5-2012
The victim Aaref Alqaseer was shot dead by Al-Assad snipers in Douma. Thursday, June8, 2012
Assad's sniper shooting people in the city Friday, March 23, 2012
15 12 2013 syriawarnews FSA attacked Assad shabiha on the roof dirct hit with B10 Syria war
Syria - Assad Regime Rats Scurry for Safety as Rebel Sniper Puts the Heat On 9-21-13 Damascus
Syrian Rebels Home Made Sniper Shooting at Enemy Syria
Man has been shot by the snipers of Al Assad and the men can't pull him in Homs in Syria 2011-12-12
18+ Syria - Assad Army Positions hit by Advancing Rebels in Daraa 8-26-13 Al Manshia area
Unarmed protester killed by snipers of Al-Assad's bloody regime in Homs city in Syria 17.06.2011